Somerset roots
I guess this section of the website is a call out, a nod or message to individuals I grew up with a very long time ago …
Goodness … if I had a Time Machine …
Well … a better one anyway!
No matter. I have YOU so I can use this section of as a foil to deliver a succinct and expressive account of myself in a way I might have used if we had sat down over a beer while I told you about the Yeovil we would have known together growing up.
Mandy Wilson Jones. Nigel Andrews. Pinnington. Alan Williams. Steven Furnaux, Ian Drury. Clive Barlow. Banfield. Alan Parsons. Sponge. Elaine Wright. Sandra Gardener. Brian Ashdown. Brian Fretwell. Claire Robins. Ian Botham. Stuart Robins. Alison King.
I’ve named just a few characters, (of many), but it is fascinating, though impossible, to ponder what each of you may have done with your 3 score years and 10.
And the trouble is … I could create, manifest and populate a further hundred pages to deliver anecdotes and tales of my youth and how each one of the above, (and others), fashioned and furthered my own particular narrative on this thing we call life … but there just isn’t the time, space or place to expand this site further while I still have the task of documenting the extra-ordinary life I, myself, went on to create!
Poignantly, as of the summer of 2023, I am into my 3rd year since being diagnosed with prostate cancer so I can’t promise that this section will ever be completed before the illness takes me but, well, that’s OK because, at the very least, (whether this page ever gets populated comprehensively with school friend related anecdotes or not), I plan to include a few pertinent stories of growing up in Somerset as a bit of a filler in the meantime.
Anyway though … If we’re lucky, the following content and links will expand and grow; assuming time is something I remain in control of.
In the meantime, I’ll start the process, retelling early stories of my life, (hopefully), expanding them to include pertinent or relevant tales of particular individuals along the way.