Site structure

Site Structure

I’ve broken down my life into specific themes or topics.
For example. My autobiography entries span several time periods we might describe as fundamental paradigm shifts in my life. (Life one, life two, etc)

There are other periods of my life worthy of entry including the vast array of hobbies, passions and past-times I have enjoyed over the years although, sure, such entries are simply stories or anecdotes to enlighten or entertain! In contrast though, I also include significant life events that deserve their own special section.

One is called The Gravity Venture, relating to the biggest challenge and adventure anybody might ever experience and another, The Birth of Beach for example, relates to the way I handled and eventually coped with mental breakdown and the complete destruction of the perfect, previous life that the Gravity Venture ultimately stole from me.

Other material, themes or topics either relate to all of the above or were manifest or born from the experience, interests and answers I found along the road of piecing myself back together again and pursuing the adventure(s) I encountered after I, unexpectedly, found myself rebuilding and reinventing myself after my perfect life lost a wheel.